• To DK and other countries

Delivery to Denmark and other countries

General information: Please see Invoicing information


AET's local VAT number must be stated on the invoice: DK18974347.


For invoicing in Denmark and other countries, except France, United Kingdom, Germany, Poland, Italy and Turkey, the following information must be used.


Invoices must be issued to:

Aalborg Energie Technik a/s

Alfred Nobels Vej 21F

DK-9220 Aalborg East



Invoices must be sent by email to: invoice@aet.dk

  • Aalborg Energie Technik a/s
  • Alfred Nobels Vej 21F
  • DK-9220 Aalborg East, Denmark
  • Tel +45 96 32 86 00
  • aet@aet.dk